Rick’s Tribune Media Services Column: Frequently Asked Questions

Who can run Rick's travel column?

Any print or digital media outlet is eligible.

What do media sources need to do to run Rick's column?

  • To begin running Rick's column, please email [email protected] to receive permission.
  • Articles may be published in print and online.
  • Each published article must include Rick's byline (no other restrictions apply).
  • We recommend you include Rick's headshot to increase viewer awareness.
  • Rick reserves all rights to his content.

Do media sources need to run Rick's travel column regularly?

We recommend you treat Rick's column as any other syndicated content run by your media outlet — this just happens to be free. We suggest you run the column weekly, but this is not a requirement.

Can media sources get exclusive rights to the material in their circulation area?

We offer our content for free so as many people as possible can see it, so we don't offer exclusivety.

How current is the information in past articles?

We make a concerted effort to keep archived articles as evergreen as possible. While travel information offered here may go out of date before we have time to catch it, these instances are fairly rare.

What are the specs for each article?

Each article is around 750–800 words and paired with at least one high-resolution color travel photo. A high-resolution headshot of Rick is available to download in color or in black and white.

How big are the accompanying images?

The image files are all 300 ppi JPEGs saved with the highest quality compression. The size of the final photo(s) shown is roughly 2MB.

For further questions or to report technical problems, please email [email protected].