• Ghent, Belgium


Ghent offers a quieter, more subtle charm than Bruges. It has cobbled streets, centuries-old architecture, and picturesque canals — but it's also a living place, with just the right amount of urban grittiness and a welcome splash of creative hipster funkiness. Explore its historic quarter, ogle the Van Eyck altarpiece in its massive cathedral, tour its impressive art museum, stroll its scenic embankments, bask in its finely decorated historic halls, and prowl its lively Patershol restaurant quarter. Ghent is the kind of town where you might spend a few hours…but find yourself wishing you had a few days.

At a Glance

▲▲ St. Bavo's Cathedral and Ghent Altarpiece Main church housing treasures by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan van Eyck.

▲ Castle of the Counts Restored fortress with typical castle ramparts, a dungeon, and good tower views.

▲ Ghent Design Museum Enjoyable display of Belgian design from the 17th to 21st centuries

▲ Fine Arts Museum Accessible collection of Northern European art.

▲ Ghent City Museum High-tech museum tracing the city's history through multimedia exhibits and historic artifacts.

Church of St. Nicholas Medieval merchants' church dedicated to their patron saint.

Belfry Landmark 14th-century tower topped by a copper dragon.

House of Alijn Knickknacks and re-created scenes of domestic Belgium life.

Stedelijk Contemporary Art Museum Rotating exhibits of cutting-edge European art.


