• Toledo, Spain


Toledo teems with tourists, souvenirs, and great art by day, and delicious dinners, echoes of El Greco, and medieval magic by night. Incredibly well preserved and full of cultural fascinations, the entire city has been declared a national monument. Enthroned in its history, this stony wonderland, about an hour south of Madrid, remains the historic, artistic, and spiritual center of Spain.

At a Glance

▲▲▲ Toledo Cathedral One of Europe's best, with a marvelously vast interior and great art.

▲▲ Santo Tomé Simple chapel with El Greco's masterpiece, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz.

Army Museum Covers all things military; located in the imposing fortress, the Alcázar.

▲ Santa Cruz Museum Renaissance building housing wonderful artwork, including eight El Grecos.

▲ El Greco Museum Small collection of paintings, including the View and Plan of Toledo, El Greco's panoramic map of the city.

Tránsito Synagogue and Jewish Museum Museum of Toledo's Jewish past.

Victorio Macho Museum Collection of 20th-century Toledo sculptor's works, with expansive river-gorge view.

▲ San Juan de los Reyes Monasterio Church/monastery intended as final resting place of Isabel and Ferdinand.

Visigothic Museum Romanesque church housing the only Visigothic artifacts in town.

Sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca Synagogue that harmoniously combines Toledo's three religious influences: Jewish, Christian, and Moorish.




