Celebrating 40 Editions of Europe Through the Back Door with Rick Steves

Enjoy our live Monday Night Travel party with this video recorded on March 25, 2024.

Teaching travel is the cornerstone of Rick Steves' Europe. And among the roughly 100 guidebooks we've produced over the years, one has always been the flagship: Europe Through the Back Door, the handbook for traveling the Rick Steves way. After self-publishing the first edition in 1980 and selling it out of the trunk of his car, Rick celebrates the book's 40th edition with a Monday Night Travel party tracking how travel has evolved over his career — from aerograms and picking up mail at an American Express office to Airbnb, TripAdvisor, and GPS. But despite all the change, the value and wonder of European travel is as great as ever, and Rick catalogs these wonders over the course of an hour that promises to be fun, entertaining, and inspiring.

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