Health in Harmony

Current donation: $100,000

Health in Harmony (HIH) reverses tropical rainforest deforestation. By working directly with the Indigenous peoples and local communities who live in and beside rainforests, HIH works to protect 9.4 million hectares of rainforest across Indonesia, Madagascar, and Brazil. Our support will help HIH reduce community reliance on unsustainable practices while teaching climate-smart farming techniques in southeastern Madagascar.

Why They're Climate Smart

In Madagascar, communities rely on hunting wildlife, swidden agriculture (where land is cleared for cultivation — normally by fire — and then left to regenerate after a few years), and unsustainable foraging. Not only do these activities cause great environmental harm, they also increase human-wildlife contact and accelerate disease spillover.

HIH plans to reduce these activities by teaching farmers how to plant and cultivate climate-resilient crops. Their goals: provide 31 villages with seeds, seedlings, and tools; offer training via 13 community agriculture field schools; train 200 farmers in rice cultivation; and teach over 1,000 farmers in regenerative agriculture techniques.

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