The Orphaned Starfish Foundation

2021–22 Donation: $16,000
Donations to Date: $16,000

The Orphaned Starfish Foundation (OSF) provides technology-based education and job training to help orphans, victims of abuse, survivors of trafficking, indigenous children, refugees, and at-risk youth escape their cycle of abuse. Our donation will allow OSF to expand their sustainable, regenerative farming education program to Laborde, Haiti.

Why They’re Climate Smart

During the pandemic, the issue of food security and nutrition has risen to the forefront of OSF, as many non-profit organizations have been stretched thin. As a result, OSF partnered with another non-profit organization in Colombia to pilot a one-year, climate-smart, greenhouse farming program intended to teach children how to increase production of their own food. By the seventh month of participating in the planting process, the students generated enough excess food/profit to fund a full-time agronomist, and the project is now self-sustaining.

Operating 75 technology centers in 29 countries, OSF considers their centers to be vital in teaching over 16,000 children how to not only farm for their own personal needs, but also feed their communities.

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