Favorite Islamic Side Trips

Enjoy Rick's live Monday Night Travel party with this video recorded on July 12, 2021. Experience the fun, conviviality, intimacy, and spontaneity of joining Rick in his living room as he shares his personal, inspirational, and sometimes hilarious behind-the-scenes commentary.

Much as Rick loves Europe, some of his favorite "side trips" are into the Islamic world. Join us for a virtual tour of fascinating slices of Muslim life: Cairo, Egypt; Hebron and Bethlehem, Palestine; and Tangier, Morocco. We'll watch a dervish whirl in a worshipful trance in Turkey. Our grand finale is a visit to Istanbul, the place where East meets West and the most exciting and accessible city in Islam. For dinner, we'll enjoy Moroccan dishes from Marrakesh — not the city, but the restaurant in Seattle, in keeping with our goal of broadening our culinary horizons while supporting local businesses.

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