Festival of Europe FAQ

Thank you for joining us for the Festival of Europe! See the helpful information below for questions about the Festival of Europe tour promotion and giveaway and assistance with audio, video, captions, using Zoom, and more. 

Tour Promotion and Giveaway

How do I get the $100 tour discount? 

From January 9-31, 2023, enter the promo code FEST23 at checkout to receive $100 off per tour seat. Discounts are valid for new bookings only on departures with seats available, and must be secured with a $400 deposit. Browse our tours and select "Sign Up" or "Filling Fast" to book a tour.

If I already purchased a 2023 Rick Steves tour, can I get the $100 discount credited to my tour? 

We're sorry but this $100 discount only applies to new bookings made during the Festival of Europe between January 9 – 30, 2023.

How can I enter the free tour giveaway? 

To enter the free tour giveaway, please complete the official entry form.

Each household can submit one entry per week (January 9-15, January 16-22, and January 23-29). You must enter each week to be included in that week’s drawing. Winners are selected on Mondays, January 16, 23, and 30, and will be contacted by email. For details, see the terms and conditions.

I’m Canadian. Why can’t I enter the free tour giveaway? 

We are bound by US and state sweepstakes laws that only allow legal residents of the USA (excluding residents of Florida, New York, Rhode Island and Puerto Rico) who are at least 21 years old to enter.

I’m from Florida/New York/Rhode Island/Puerto Rico. Why can’t I enter the free tour giveaway? 

The state laws of Florida, New York, Rhode Island, and Puerto Rico do not allow their residents to enter sweepstakes.  

Audio and Video

How can I mirror or cast Monday Night Travel from my smart phone or tablet to my TV?

Instructions for mirroring or casting from a handheld device to a TV vary depending on the type of handheld device or TV you have. To find detailed instructions by device, refer to this handy article from Digital Trends on how to mirror your device.

Why am I experiencing audio issues? 

If you cannot hear the Monday Night Travel presenters or the video content, first check the audio settings on your device to make sure that the sound is not muted or set to a low volume.

If your audio controls are set normally, try leaving and re-entering the Zoom webinar via the same link. This has resolved audio issues for some attendees in the past.

If the issue persists, click on "Audio Settings" or the arrow next to the microphone icon to change speakers and find additional audio settings.

Make sure that you don't have headphones unintentionally plugged in. Or, check to see if earbuds or a bluetooth speaker is connected.

Additionally, some users experience differences in volume between the live presenters and the pre-recorded video content. The Monday Night Travel team tries to balance these sound levels as well as possible, but there appears to be some variation between devices.

Why am I experiencing video issues?

If your video is lagging or is not displaying, first check your wifi connection.

If your wifi connection is strong, try leaving and re-entering the Zoom webinar via the same link. This has resolved video issues for some attendees in the past.

Also, please note that Monday Night Travel is not broadcast in HD. You can watch Rick Steves' Europe TV episodes in HD anytime for free.

Is my audio or video being recorded during Monday Night Travel?

Attendees are not recorded during Monday Night Travel. When the Zoom webinar begins, you will receive a notification that the event is being recorded. However, both video and audio are disabled for attendees, so no one will see or hear you during the live show or on the recording. Only hosts and panelists are recorded.

Zoom Links, Emails, and Settings

Do I need a Zoom account to watch events?

No. Attendees don't need to have their own Zoom account to register for or attend an event. All you need to do to watch is complete the registration form for the event you want to attend. Get started where it says "Register" alongside the listings for upcoming events. A confirmation email will then be sent to you with a link to join the event. Reminder emails with the link will also be sent one day and one hour before the event.

Why isn't my link working to join the show?

If your link to join the show isn't working, the first thing you should do is download the latest version of Zoom, then try clicking the link to join the show again.

If the link still doesn't work, after the event has already started, complete the registration form again by selecting "Register" alongside the current event. When you do so, a button should appear inviting you to join the event live.

If all else fails, please send an email to [email protected] describing the error. Please also indicate your device's make and model, internet browser, and email provider.

Why am I not getting the confirmation email?

If you are not receiving confirmation or reminder emails after registering for the show, first check your junk or promotions folders in your email inbox to make sure that Zoom emails aren't being filtered there.

If you still cannot find the emails, download the latest version of Zoom and try registering for the show again.

If the problem persists, please send an email to [email protected] describing the error. Please also indicate your device's make and model, internet browser, and email provider.

In the meantime, there is also a workaround for this issue: Wait until the event has begun, then complete the registration form (again) by selecting "Register" alongside the current event. When you do so, a button should appear inviting you to join the event live.

How can I receive the resource links that are posted in the Chat widget during the show?

Zoom does not allow webinar attendees to copy and paste information posted in the Chat widget. If there are any resource links that interest you, you can click the URLs posted in the Chat widget during the show to access the resources.

Otherwise, if you would like to access the resource links posted in the Chat widget after the show has ended, please check the follow-up email from Zoom sent to all registrants 24 hours after the show.

Closed Captions

How do I disable closed captions? 

To ensure a fun and accessible Monday Night Travel experience for everyone, we use Zoom's automatic live transcription feature. To switch between showing or hiding these closed captions, simply click the "CC" icon on the main Zoom toolbar.  

How can I change the font size of closed captions?

To adjust the font size of closed captions, follow these instructions for desktop computers:

  • Click the "CC" icon on the main Zoom toolbar to show closed captions.
  • Click the arrow to the right of the "CC" icon.
  • Click "Caption Settings" on the pop-up menu.
  • At the top of the pop-up window, click and drag the marker on the "Font Size" scale to adjust the text size.

The option to adjust font size is not available for phones.

Travel Information

How can I get information about Rick Steves' Europe tours?

Enjoy your next adventure abroad with Rick Steves European tours! If you have any questions about our more than 45 itineraries, please email our helpful Tour Sales and Services team at [email protected].

Get free updates from Rick about our European tours, special tour promotions, new tour destinations, and more by signing up for Rick's monthly Tour News.

How can I find more information to help me prepare for a trip I'm planning independently?

The best tool for planning independent travel in Europe is a Rick Steves guidebook. Head to our online shop to find our full selection of guidebooks.

You can also find an abundance of free resources — including articles, photos, videos, and more — when you Explore Europe.

Finally, you can pose questions to enthusiastic fellow travelers on our lively Travel Forum.