• Gdańsk, Poland
    Długi Targ


Gdańsk may well be Europe's greatest still-undiscovered destination. It's rich with history and culture, slathered with gorgeous architecture old and new, loaded with world-class museums and great restaurants — and just plain fun. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Gdańsk was the wealthiest city in the Polish lands — Polish kings would visit this city of well-to-do Hanseatic League merchants to gawk at their handsome mansions. Today you can stroll streets that still look much the same, while also appreciating the city's moving role in more recent history.

At a Glance

▲▲▲ Royal Way Walk Gdańsk's colorful showpiece main drag, cutting a picturesque swath through the heart of the wealthy burghers' neighborhood.

▲▲▲ Solidarity Sights and Gdańsk Shipyard Home to the beginning of the end of  European communism, with a towering monument and excellent museum.

▲▲ Main Town Hall Ornately decorated meeting rooms, town artifacts, and tower with sweeping views.

▲▲ Artus Court Grand meeting hall for guilds of golden-age Gdańsk, boasting an over-the-top tiled stove.

▲▲ St. Mary's Church Giant red-brick church crammed full of Gdańsk history.

▲▲ Museum of the Second World War Poland's definitive museum on the most devastating conflict in human history.

Amber Museum High-tech exhibit of valuable golden globs of petrified tree sap.

Uphagen House Tourable 18th-century interior, typical of the pretty houses that line Ulica Długa.


